
After leaving Atlanta on Chandler's birthday, we headed for Alabama to meet with Clay's friend and business partner, Antonio. Clay and Antonio met this summer during the Week of Champions and it didn't take long for them to realize they were soul mates, meant to be together as often as possible! (can I get an Amen, Gloria?)

We went to Pelham, a suburb of Birmingham, and truly enjoyed getting to know Antonio's family better.

While the men spent time working, the kids and I explored the area.
We visited Oak Mountain State park, where Chandler cried... literally cried... all the way up The Peavine Falls trail, thanks to the confidence his father has shown in my driving ability. The poor kid just knew I was going to drive us over the next curve...
We made it up and down and they all relaxed enough towards the end to enjoy the beauty of the area.
You will also see a handful of shots at football practice... where Mr. Antonio spends a lot of time helping the local middle and high school teams perfect their game:

Chandler's 9th Birthday

Monday was Chandler's 9th Birthday. It felt like we had been celebrating all weekend already, but we tried to make the actual day feel special. We were due to checkout of our hotel, but before we did, I took the kids for a celebratory dip in the hotel's roof pool... it has an indoor and outdoor, and on this particular morning, the outdoor was actually warmer than the indoor (but the wind outside was another ...very cold... story)

After check out, we drove to the Blue Willow Inn, in Social Circle GA for a special lunch... yummy as usual. I brought Chandler's cake out at this time and he was truly surprised, as we had told him all along that we would probably buy him a small cake since we were traveling. We had also told him that the adventure itself was a gift, so there wouldn't be any real gifts to open, but he got a Garfield (his favorite comedian) DVD and Magic Treehouse Book set... both strategically chosen to give him car activities for the trip home.

Turns out the return trip home morphed into a 2 day layover in Alabama ( nowhere near our path home, mind you) Chandler was thrilled as he has always wanted to "see what Alabama looks like" Clay ran with that as the whole reason we were going, but really had business to tackle, so it was win-win for both Clay and Chan.
Chandler had more presents waiting on him at home- presents he didn't expect to receive- at first I thought this would lessen his birthday experience, to drive to Alabama instead of home to surprise him with these few little gifts, but getting to open them today was icing on the cake so to speak, as he absolutely adores Mr. Antonio's kids, and football, and Sweet Home Alabama...
Of his birthday, Chandler says "It was great!"


While the boys took in a Falcons game on Sunday, I got busy constructing Chandler's birthday cake.
I had messaged a friend, Shantel of Heavenly Cakes, back home in Augusta to see if the layers would hold up if I made them in advance.. after she told me the best way to preserve them, I had the courage to take the pre-made layers with me to the hotel, along with an entire arsenal of cake decorating supplies.
I made the icing in the Ice Bucket (don't worry, I washed it thoroughly first) and mixed individual colors in the water glasses. The room's desk served as an excellent work space, though I'm not sure the hotel staff would've been thrilled to see it covered in powdered sugar.
After I assembled the layers and frosted them with a thin blue coat of icing, I rolled out fondant that I had colored blue a day or two earlier (to give it time to dry) to cover the ball shaped cake, then on fondant "continents" with icing... I had previously traced, cut out and painted them with gel color, also a day or so early, in respect of drying time...
I gave everything a final gel coloring coat and used white icing to pipe on a message. I added the toppers that would fit under the cake dome, while readying the ones too tall for just before the cake was served.
I covered the cake dome in wrapping paper so as to veil the cake in the event that Chandler saw it- though we told him all along a homemade cake wasn't possible while on the road...

Everything went more smoothly than I figured it would and Chandler was genuinely surprised not only to have a cake, but that the cake was all the things we have been talking about recently:
Travel, Maps, Food Network, favorite travel shows etc.

On the cake was a red convertible ( tipping a hat to both "Road Tasted" and Guy Fieri's Diners show) In the convertible was Paula Deen- Chan's local favorite- the Neelys, the Road Tasted couple that he had gotten tickets to see on Friday, Jeff Corwin-(the Jeff Corwin Experience) one of his favorite travel show hosts and Dave Stotts (Drive Thru History) another favorite host and Alton scientist.

We called the cake the "BoomDeYada Birthday cake, because that song- our homeschool theme song- fits Chandler's love for exploring the world around him to a tee.

Sunday & BedJump

On Sunday of Chandler's Birthday Adventure, some of Clay's friends brought their sons for a little Father/Son Falcon game... (oh, and to talk a little business of course!) While the men chatted before the game, I played Mother Goose and took the 6 children to the game room,
(20 bucks in quarters spends FAST in there!) the fitness room, and for a walk along Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta. The 2 day walk for breast cancer was just winding down and there were pink boas and cheering supporters everywhere. There was also one very public breast feeding woman which is a longer story for later ...
(imagine --I have 5 boys in tow... this was no small matter!)
We went in to Carvel and I tell the guy, " I got 20 bucks and 6 kids, how can you help me?" He was very helpful and nice as he let each kid pick a flavor and cup or cone... my total came to $19.73 :) He was so gracious and even offered me a cone free of charge, which I declined to return the graciousness. Service like that deserves a mention (and all my change for a tip, I should add :)

Shortly after we got all the sticky ice cream cleaned off hands and mouths, the guys were ready to head for the game... a special tour of locker rooms and such had been arranged. Funniest dynamic in my mind had to be that one of the fellas in attendance, Derrick, has been approached by the opposing team, KC Chiefs, for a job... he used to be a Falcon, he's sitting in the GA Dome, all his pals are pulling for Atlanta, but he's decked out in Chiefs gear; this welcomes much disparagement throughout the game from surrounding Falcons' fans. Fortunately, Derrick isn't someone you'd try and punch, so they made a peaceful getaway after the Falcons pulverized the Chiefs...still, I'm glad I wasn't there.

While they were watching the game, I was assembling Chandler's birthday cake... I had made the layers in advance and brought everything else for assembly and decorating in a duffel bag. It was an absolute mess, but worth it to see Chandler's reaction on his Birthday. See following post for these pictures.

Apparently, there was more business to tackle post football game, for just as I had cleaned the last dish from my cake making party, i heard kids voices in the hall of the twelfth floor...the boys had been sent to hang out with momma/miss kelly while the men finalized some stuff... we spent some time watching t.v., playing on the internet and running around the parking deck... then I remembered bad babysitting? sure... fun? Oh Yeah!


Saturday- Meet the Neely's

On Saturday, we went to Atlanta to start Chandler's birthday weekend. The Neely's from Food Network were making an appearance at The World of Coca Cola museum and we had gotten Chandler tickets as a surprise. He didn't know until the last minute, when we were standing outside of the closed museum and a security guard said something like "Welcome to the Neely event"-- until that point, everyone in line had coincidentally neglected to mention "Neely" and said "We're here for the 5 o'clock Event" instead... as if they too realized they were in on a secret.
Once we got inside, there was a short wait-- we had the museum to ourselves and more importantly, the international tasting room, where we were invited to taste the different Coca Cola products from around the world.
(We have done this before, but the idea that we had the opportunity in such a small and "private event" setting made it fun)
Meeting the Neelys was a lot of fun- they are such cut ups and really seemed to feel comfortable with the audience. Chandler asked a question of them, and they called him up for a chat. They talked about how much it meant to them to have children looking up to them and watching them on television rather than some of the alternatives... it was evident in their tone and repertoire with Chandler that this was a sincere expression.
The event was hosted by Coca Cola (obviously) and Publix, so each coursefeatured a Coke product as ingredient and most other brands were Publix. The food was ok, not really from the Neelys...just recipes that Publix/Coke gave them to follow along for the production. Chandler's favorite part was the Orange Fanta float... which he swore he had never had a float before, ever. To see his reaction, you would believe him, too.
(but he has! he just must not remember.)
Our seat mates were great too- we all switched contact info before leaving and they were just so impressed with Chandler, with his interest in the world around him and the conversations he had with them.
After the event, Clay and the younger two kids met us downstairs for dinner. We drove over to the Varsity, in keeping with the Foodie theme of the night and of Chandler's birthday in general.

The Varsity is celebrating its 80th year, making it appealing to Chandler in both historical significance and "real diner" experience as he so enjoys seeing on "Diners, Drive Ins and Dives" with one of his heroes, Guy Fieri.

He wasn't fond of the food, at all. But, of going there, he says "It was awesome!"


Grandma's House

We visited Grandma and Grandpa in Covington about a month ago. Kevin has been busy making things's a peek: