Logan's 8th Backyard Birthday Tea

Logan turned 8 and celebrated by inviting a few Sunday School/Homeschool friends over for tea in her "garden".

Tides & Thievery

Sometimes, things just work together, ya know?
If you ever find yourself studying the ocean's movement, and if during that study you are instructed to build a model ocean but can't find any sand, it may all work out anyhow, if you happen to live on a golf course and have one to three children who do not mind being sneaky little thieves on occasion.
That is how we managed our project...bunker sand snatched from the 15th hole:
(we really only borrowed it)

Tire Swing

Oh, the things I won't do to take a picture!

Snowy Greenville

We had the pleasant surprise of snow while in Greenville recently. It was the first time in probably five years or so that we have seen (or played in) any real amount of snow. Since I didn't have to live in it for months on end, it was an agreeable snow :) And thank goodness for 80% off Winter Apparel Clearance!
A Snow Day slideshow is at the end of this post, but here are a few of my favorite "snow shots":
See the fallen flower...cool, no? Beach...Ha!
Frozen FlowersBrrrd Bath...
Why Me, Lord?

Sonrise Choir

Chandler and Logan practice for The Sonrise Choir's special song time on a recent Wednesday night (I only took video during practice so as not to be disruptive during service):
All The Earth:

Praise To You:

Genesis Choir

Fisher's choir group sings on a recent Wednesday night:

Park Day

Regularly Scheduled Blogging postponed due to beautiful weather...

Mr. Frosty Pants

While in Greenville this weekend, we were surprised with snow showers and the delightful immobility that ensued.
Snow Day pictures to follow in the near future. Until then, Mr. Frosty Pants: