Princess Amelia
Amelia Island was named for Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia Sophia Elanor of Great Britain, from the House of Hanover, descendant of King George II. She loved to hunt and ride and in later life was a park ranger. She is known for commissioning a bath house, giving generously to charities and having a penchant for the truth. Lady Promfret described the Princess Amelia as:
" of the oddest princesses that ever was known; she has ears shut to flattery and her heart open to honesty."
To those who knew her well, she was known affectionately as Emily.
Elizabeth Smart's Story
I recently picked up Elizabeth Smart's book at a local thrift store.
It terrified me. As in, check all the closets, lock all the doors, "What was that noise?!" terrified me.
It was not unlike watching a Criminal Minds episode... too late at night... and home all alone.
I finished the book shortly before bedtime and so, I slept with flashlight and pepper spray nearby and I set up noise traps at RyeBird's windows.
She usually eventually ends up in 'the big bed' with us, but for the 45 minutes where she actually slept in her own bed, it was extra peace of mind. I did not sleep in MY own bed. I just lay there, hyper-vigilant.
Sometimes, it is nice to pretend that the world isn't as sick and twisted as it really is, but stories like this deny that charade. The world is broken...very, very badly in some places.
The month prior to this, I had picked up Jaycee Duggard's story at a different thrift store. Also scary. So I am now convinced that we are all surrounded by crazy, scary villains... and we probably really are.
I think the premeditation element was the scariest to read about. I have never thought of crimes of this nature carried out on a whim, but neither have I considered the great lengths one may go to target a victim, either.
I am guilty of making myself a sitting duck in the name of Good Samaritan-ship and, if it is possible, I also experienced retro-active fear for the times I could have been killed or endangered my family. And there was definitely retro-active gratitude & humility.
I am more appreciative now of the various forms of self defense I have at my disposal and more determined than ever to remember to bring those methods along with me when I am out and about... and probably also when I am sound asleep, too.
Scary as the books were, both also spoke strongly to the incredible, indomitable human spirit.
We have an amazing ability to heal and rebuild after bad things have happened...even really bad things.
I was surprised by the sometimes wry and humorous note that Elizabeth was able to take as she described her captor and time in captivity. I admire her spirit. And... it felt strange, but there were moments a small laugh suddenly escaped my lips as I read along.
In the book, Elizabeth's mom takes her aside shortly after her rescue and gives her some advice for the days to come. Perhaps it was because I've been rattled a bit by these abduction stories and needed something to hold on to or maybe I recognized quickly the simple but powerful truth in her words, for whatever reason, Mrs. Smart's words have stayed with me and continue to resonate.
I will share that passage momentarily, but I see a bunny trail and I'm going to hop a few steps in its direction .
Bunny Trail:
Coming out of high school,one of my listed interests @ the colleges I previewed was Counseling.
Sometimes I said I wanted to study Psychology. I wanted to listen to people for a living and be able to help them. I wanted to be Frasier. I wanted a patient like Bill Murray in "What About Bob".
Amongst other interests and leanings in the professional world, "counseling" has remained a constant on my list-as opposed to "Clown" which fell off way, way back somewhere, and "Artist" which is too sporadic and lacking in ability to make anything higher than the Hobby List.
Though the interest and - I like to believe- a heart for counseling -- has persisted, there have also been mental hurdles and hesitancy that I have known was there but haven't necessarily been able to articulate well .
One of those hurdles has been this mentality: How can I possibly help someone who has been through something worse than I've ever imagined, much less experienced. What right do I have to speak into their life? What difference would it really make?
If you marvel that I can doubt my ability to adequately counsel imaginary future counseling patients... well, stick around. That's all I can say.
My Head Knowledge: Of course it's better to admit that you don't have all the answers, to sit quietly and hold a friend's hand than to talk too much or offer empty sentiments- or worse say the wrong, wrong thing in an old-fashioned-well-meant-road-to-hell-paving-event.
My True Self Expectation: Save Everyone!Fix Everything!...and FAST!!!.
I recently read a book about death and dying {On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kubler Ross} that tossed a little more kindling on my counseling desires. It gave me some direction about the sort of counseling I might would like to see myself involved in someday... but that's another post entirely. By contrast, Smart's book- or more specifically, Smart's mom- provided a practical model for speaking into the life of someone who has more scars than me.
This is what she said:
"Before it gets too crazy, I need to tell you something. This is important. Elizabeth, what this man has done is terrible. There aren't any words strong enough to describe how wicked and evil he is! He has taken nine months of your life that you will never get back again. But the best punishment you could ever give him is to be happy. To move forward with your life. To do exactly what you want. Because, yes, this will probably go to trial and some kind of sentencing will be given to him and that wicked woman. But even if that is true, you may never feel like justice has been served or that true restitution has been made. But you don't need to worry about that. At the end of the day, God is our ultimate judge. He will make up to you every pain and loss that you have suffered. And if it turns out that these wicked people are not punished here on Earth, it doesn't matter. His punishments are just. You don't ever have to worry. You don't ever have to think about them again. You be happy, Elizabeth. Just be happy. If you go and feel sorry for yourself, or if you dwell on what has happened, if you hold on to your pain, that is allowing him to steal more of your life away. So don't do that! Don't you let him! There is no way he deserves that. Not one more second of your life. You keep every second for yourself. You keep them and be happy. God will take care of the rest." (pg 285-286)
Not only did I find the thoughts behind these words extremely wise, but also very applicable to walking through any given life. Even my own, say. And while I know there's a large chasm between speaking these words to a hurting heart and being heard I saw in this example the importance and the impact of simply being willing to speak them. I hope to be as brave and insightful, as loving and true to the hearts that inhabit my life.
3D Hand Trace
A Pinterest-y Project
(That I think I can improve upon the next time I try it... if I should find myself suddenly in need of a striped 3D Hand picture... which is pretty much every day in my house..)
Tattooed Baby
Yes, sometimes I draw on my children. And sometimes I draw on myself, too. It's okay. It washes off.
This particular piece is a metaphor about freedom, and letting go of the things you think are helping you to fly so that you can really fly as yourself- with wings spread wide... and also how you take your mom's heart with you wherever you go... so please don't drop it...
Yeah, that's it.
Coastal Cousins
In a serendipitous turn of events various cousins from various corners converged on Amelia... I was delighted to be caught in the cross-hairs.
Christian is my cousin Joni's baby boy- he's from Augusta. Fisher & Logan are mine. Charley is my second cousin Chuck's baby girl~ she was there with her momma, Donna (and a BOY!). They're all from around Waycross. Tyler is Joni's oldest girl, also from Augusta. Riley is also mine. (Chandler was @ the golf course)
We couldn't have planned it.
But we have proof it happened... Once Upon Amelia.
Football Season
Today marks the start of Football Season @ BrewCrew Headquarters. .
Specifically Carolina Football.
(some say that's the only kind there is, but I have noticed other fellas in different costumes also having these weekend pagents)
Okay, it never actually ends...we celebrate Carolina Football in Spring and Summer too.
(along with Carolina's Baseball, Basketball and Competitive Thumb Twirling if they had a team for that)
This time of year is also known to some of us as "Bring A Good Book" or "Get Stuff Done With The Comforting Sounds of Televised Football as Background Noise" or "Go Shopping" and occasionally "Roam the Stadium and Enjoy Concessions" Season. It is a time of year we all look forward to (for various reasons).
Okay...alright...those last few are mainly me.
I like football fine- I just think there is too much of it... I prefer to tune in around the fourth quarter (after getting a few chapters read, or errands run, or any other manner of productivity accomplished) to see how it all plays out. After all, knowing how a game ends is valuable information. It is generally useful as a litmus for the rest of my day/night or weekend.
If the team wins, I win.
When they lose, it is apparently all my fault. :)
Win or lose, there are some good things that come with football season.
Sometimes, the pre-game shows are really good. Especially @ Carolina. We have Hootie:
Cheering together for the same team promotes family unity. We stick together, no matter the weather.
Besides, no one really has a choice. Carolina is your birthright. If you are born into this nest, you pull for these birds. Even if this nest was located in Georgia or Kentucky when you joined it... you can like those teams 'to yourself' and only when they aren't playing the Gamecocks.
Sometimes, you rub shoulders with notable people, even if those folks are only notable in the world of football:
There's Tailgating
And Road Trips
Team Spirit promotes creativity
There's plenty of people watching
And don't forget the pretty girls:
Best of all, football means Fall!
Go, Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!
Pippi on Behaving
*Let's Get Graphic: Coffee4Lunch Design*
Der Dutchman
We were recently in Sarasota for a Hurricane Tour event. Sadly there are very few photos. It was a busy weekend with unpredictable weather. Clay caddied for Chandler (too busy choosing and drying off clubs to snap pics) while I bustled the remaining children around the surrounding area (too busy climbing in and out of the car with 3 kids to snap pics)
As we explored, we discovered something pretty cool: Sarasota has an Amish population. A fact that we hadn't learned when we were in the area for our 14th Anniversary.
True to Florida style, they're their own kind of Amish. They use electricity and often opt for a bike or scooter instead of horse and buggy. Or, so we read.
We also spotted a size-able Mennonite population nearby.
There are three of four Dutch inspired restaurants in the Sarasota area.
We chose Der Dutchman because it was still open when Saturday's round was over.
Der Dutchman also houses a large gift shop and bakery.
We were too busy eating the simple yet delicious buffet offerings to snap many pics, but as I passed the bakery counter on our way out, I remembered a recent text from my brother involving authentic Pennsylvania Dutch donuts and delicacies.
Only then, as we were leaving, did I think to snap some photos, the better to (eventually) lure him to Florida with. Think it'll work?
The Nude Beaches Of Nassau County
Neighborly Ninjas
We have resident Fiddlers. They're like friendly little ninjas. Occasionally I will come home to a little ninja sitting on the front door thresh, waiting patiently to be let in. Other times I will walk out to find that one has been crushed by human foot, unaware.
On the day of the Great Ninja Occupation, both invading critters were trapped humanely and returned to the marsh's edge...after a bit of matching wits. Lil' guys are smart- and fast. I could see their little eyes watching me as I schemed to block or trap them- and in response they would flatten their little bodies and dart to the next corner/hiding spot within reach. This is when I realized I was dealing with ninjas.
The law of dominion eventually prevailed..let us *hope that it persist.
* I rarely 'conquer' a lower critter that I'm not reminded of a particular ALF episode:
Do Not Microwave
Do Not Microwave.
Not A Mere Suggestion (as Fisher learned while making Maruchan Cup O' Noodles for lunch) The whole house smells of burnt... days later. And inexplicably, I'm craving popcorn. (not burnt)
Drive,Chip Putt Sub-Regional

Chandler's Sub-Regional Qualifier for Drive, Chip & Putt took place in Orlando. He made alternate and won third place overall for putting. There was a lot of close golf that day. And rain. Plus a few frogs.
We're proud of our little man- who, as you may have noticed, isn't so little anymore.
And as Uncle Nick pointed out- there's no need to pray for another player to fall sick, we can simply pray that one or more are called on a missions trips.
Gotta love pastoral counsel.
Here's an assortment of photos and a video.
We can talk later about the great idea to have this event hosted just around the corner, @ Annika's Academy... with indoor plumbing and a roof... and all those future students milling about on campus all day ...a win/win for both parties... Yes, we should talk about that some day soon. :)
A celebratory lunch @ Fudd's was enjoyed afterwards.

Chandler receiving medallion:
Cousin Time
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