
Aundree Coker Brewer

Aundree was affectionately known in our family as MeeMaw. She was the mother to my father in law, grandmother to my husband and great grandmother to my children.

Aundree passed away last week.

While there were a lot of painful memories and situations surrounding MeeMaw in her last few years, we have committed to reflect on only the bright and funny times we spent together with MeeMaw and the wonderful things she brought to our life.

Now, I have to start out by admitting that I didn't know MeeMaw all that well until after her health started to decline. My idea of her personality may be a little tilted in favor of "Happy Go Lucky" (you would be to if you took some of the stuff they had her on :) but even when everything was on kilter, the vibe that Aundree put out in this world, as the minister said at her funeral, was much more "ragtime" than "waltz"

MeeMaw loved to cook. I first encountered garlic in a jar at her condo.

MeeMaw made Cherry Yum Yum.While it is easily recognized as a cherry cheesecake, commonly found in the South, her version is legendary in the family.

MeeMaw made warm ham & cheese sandwiches for my beloved when he was just a little scoundrel. They were just ham and cheese, but the way she did it made it special and they too are legendary. Chandler has declared he will have at least one MeeMaw sandwich a day forever from here on out.

MeeMaw loved to paint.She mostly painted the ocean.

MeeMaw loved the ocean.She used to live in Myrtle Beach. She had been to see Hawaii.

MeeMaw played the piano.She once played for us, giving God all the credit for giving her a song right there on the spot. She was all over that keyboard.

MeeMaw loved grandkids.She used to babysit my stepson when he was just a baby and still talked about those times with fondness when he was a pre-teen. She always had little gifts for them and someday I'll tell you about the 4th of July cake...

MeeMaw loved to dance...especially line dance!She once told us about her line dancing and let on that she enjoyed the activity with a new found boyfriend.

MeeMaw was feisty.She once called me an old fart!

MeeMaw was in inspiration. I once based a character on her in a writing contest :DEIDRE

A few years before she died, while placing an upside down hair band on my head, to resemble a crown, MeeMaw christened me Queen of the Family- a title that is far better than Old Fart to be sure. Though this was quite obviously an 'off meds' moment, I believe in a very real sense it came from her heart. She went on to explain that I got the title because I had so many children... a commodity which held great value to her. If you don't believe me, ask any one of the children who called her Mee Maw and they'll tell you just how special she made them feel.

MeeMaw's funeral brought all the family together in one place for the first time in a long time, just the way I know she'd want it. Photos will follow.