The Gift of Work

My Thoughts On Work
  1. The words work and gift hardly seem to belong together, but I can remember not having work, searching for work...having work to do is most definitely a valuable gift.
  2. Sometimes I feel like my work matters little. Then I hear my children remembering their manners or my husband pay my work a compliment and my investment is repaid instantly.
  3. When I undertake a project, from baking a cake, planting a garden or building a web page, a connection is formed between myself and my work. I care about the results. I am encouraged to do my best in order to yield the best results. I believe this is an important element that having work to do develops in me.
  4. Having a project flop completely, be unappreciated or lost to damage in some way is as important an experience to me. I have learned that any job worth doing is indeed worth doing well. I have also learned that any job worth doing should be done simply for the satisfaction I get from doing the job and doing it well.
  5. People are my favorite part of work. Whether I am working for others, with others or for the benefit of many others, I find that meeting new people adds a dimension of immense value to my life.
  6. I love to learn new things- work affords this.
  7. Experience also comes from work. Experience is like a very handy bridge that allows you to cross into the presence of new populations.
  8. Places I have worked:
  • Churches
  • Christian School
  • Assorted Daycares
  • Bridal Boutique
  • Cell Phone/Electronics Store
  • Movie Rental Franchise
  • Movie Theater
  • Non Profit theatre
  • Hospital
  • Coffee Shop
  • Mall & Outlet retail stores
  • Home
  • Pharmacy/Drugstore

This is of my favorite gifts from work.
I could never call her a co-worker...even though that is where we met and the only place we ever really spent time together.
If you listed things about us on paper, we'd seem the most unlikely pair--thank goodness no one did that before we shared our first Michelina's meal in the break room!
Jules doesn't live in Savan(Ninev)ah anymore (lucky duck) and we rarely get to talk...but I will always consider her a friend... a gift I received at work.
(We'll always have Wife Saver...)