...on the Last Minute

It was so very cold,  but worth it,  to stand on a bench at the marina [I'm short],  seeing the day off into the horizon and watching as it reached its full potential; making history.

The biting cold reminded every square inch of my short frame that I am an alive and limited creature, invited to partake in the awe of living on Earth,  but not to overstay my welcome. 

The blazing sun made me long for the warmth of days to come, made me instantly grateful for any and all of those that will include me...and even those that will not.

Colors spreading,  pelicans coasting, all is well despite all that is not...if only for the moment.

This moment.

Leave it to me to wait until the last minute to have made the most of my day.

And I think "I should do this every day ".

But,  I know that I won't... still, I leave this here a reminder that I should.

I really should. 

...on Programming Dinner

One of the Khan courses we are all taking is Java Script: Drawing. We had to fill our 'dinner plate' with morsels of code. I cooked up a steak - ish thing,  some buttery mashed potatoes, a pile of peas [mostly already eaten...those little devils would have taken forever to make a big, uneaten scoop] and ice water. I need some practice with the bezier, but that's not new, it trips me up in graphics & drawing programs also.  Still,  I passed the assignment...come, be glad with me a sec.

...on Learning New Stuff

I have been trying to use my time for 'worthy pursuits'. One of which has been giving more than a passing glance to Khan Academy.  Now there's a competition between myself & the BigKids for most points earned.  This week, I claim the win . . .but I'm not going to be sad [much] if one of them decides to kick my tail in points earned through learning stuff...in fact,  I'm rather hoping they all do. ..

Regarding that Cookie Jam icon in the picture. ..I can explain. 


...On Trivial Pursuit

I am still filling out the daily journal that my friend gave me (see Jan.1) but I can no longer bring myself to post the daily entries as if they're interesting to anyone...myself included.

The last couple of days' writing prompts, coupled with being sick and the very act of daily living has left me uninspired to elaborate further than the prompts insist...and that was the whole point of using them...writing prompts.

Perhaps if some particular day beckons to be shared in the future... I'll share as compelled.

Current Compelled Level: -3

Que Sera

...Sick and Stranded in Savannah

It was supposed to be a quick day trip, a business errand...it turned into an exile.

The plan: a few working hours Monday in Savannah, back home the same night.

The reality: we left Savannah Wednesday night.

Those of us who were under the weather when we left on Monday got worse and those who weren't sick decided to join the coughing-sniffling-achy-body-and-fever-so-you-can't-rest party along the way.
(I'm sure it had nothing to do with being closed in the car with sick people for hours.)

Add to that some 'interpersonal family dynamics' that required our attention/prolonged presence and before long I was thinking about how good Gilligan and Crew actually had it.

So, I'm catching up on the whole 'daily journal entry project'  with some post dated entries...all the while acknowledging its trivial nature and feeling there are better things, more important thoughts we could be discussing... should be discussing... but those things must wait... until I know what they are...And how to word them.

Until then, let's play trivial pursuit.

...on Nyquil, Not Taken

"Today you lost-----."

Thanks to last night's loss of sleep, there were plenty of misses and near misses today.

If one awakens to a rainy, cloudy day, that same one should return to bed until a cheery song has come to mind...in ideal circumstances.

Worship was good though.

Maybe tomorrow will be... sunny? Different?


...on Beauty

"Write down something that inspired you today."

Natural beauty: The sunset over downtown marina
Man-made attempts: The pleasure of arranging colors and textures in such a way that others find the arrangement attractive, inviting, relaxing, inspiring, etc ...design & creativity... also finding someone with mutual tastes... hearing affirmative feedback

...on Unfortunate Stock Art

If you are reading this and you live near me, you may recognize this sign ...and know whose name appears on it even though I have obscured it...heck, you may even belong to this fellowship.

The name is not important. I'm not trying to pick on or pick apart a local church.

That would be like cutting off my nose to spite my face (one body, many parts...church humor)

I'm sure everyone at this local house of worship is just lovely.... really...I'm sure you are.

It's just that the picture of people chosen to represent this "loving church" are all looking down on the reader.

It has a slightly unsettling effect . 

:: please don't hit me!...I'll join! I'll tithe! I'll keep nursery!...please stop kicking me! ::

  whatever works, right?

...on Soup

"Was today typical?  Why or why not?"

As they ever are...

...on Corporate Worship

What song is stuck in your head?

"Bright and Morning Star...You Are...Brighter than any other, Bright and Morning Star...You Are...You Are Beautiful"  [This loop courtesy of First Wednesday Worship & Mr. Spoon's melodic set]  ...good band name, no?
Mr. Spoon's Melodic...

...on Two Paths

Facebook is a wonder and a curse. In the last few months, I've been facing various forms of peer pressure thanks to my participation in the social media forum. 

And I? ...I chose the path with cookies.

Let me explain.

The Path To Ridiculous
A handful of local ladies in my social media circle have been signing up for and swearing by classes at a local Jazzercise studio. Regular status updates and wall posts seem to indicate they are enjoying themselves (or trying to earn free classes?) So much so, I was almost persuaded to join them. Especially when the director tagged me in a Facebook promo for a free class(what is THAT supposed to mean ?!)
But then I recalled how one needs rhythm and low chagrin to eek enjoyment out of such gatherings. They held Jazzercise classes for P.E.  when I was in Grade 6... The only thing I remember is feeling ridiculous. And though a lot of things have thankfully changed for me since sixth grade, this is not one of them. So, not only did I bypass the 'group aerobics' path, I did so with a feeling of relief...like having an excuse to sit out for gym class...only in this case, scrawled across the paper in my own handwriting are the words "I'm an adult, I get to choose now"

The Path To Elastic Pants
Some of my absolutely favorite people to hang out with online can't be described simply... they're a rather eclectic flock, but we are all birds of one feather or nother. You may not know who they are, but they do. One of these birds is always posting food pictures-you know...the kind of pictures of homemade stuff that guarantee the food you just ordered through a speaker box will not taste like satisfaction. One of his specialties is shortbread. 
While his pictures always look tasty, I didn't think I'd be trying my hand at shortbread as soon as I did because, though I love cookies, the art of making them is one I'm still learning. I believe my mediocre results have a lot to do with my lack of patience and/or tendency to measure approximately vs precisely...I'm too often of the "close enough"persuasion.
So...anyway, I figured someday I would try a batch, but no time soon. 
(Yes, this path is longer, more winding... but it led to cookies, so...just enjoy the scenery, we will get there...eventually.)

While taking LoLo to transform her Christmas gift money into high tween fashion, we grabbed fuel for the next store from a display of cookies conveniently located near the cash register we were checking out at .. tasty tiny shortbread Scotty dog cookies.. a mouthful to say, but not a mouthful to eat...especially when you have a tot in tow. RyeBird, who was along for the "just girls"outing, and only eats sugary and/ or animal shaped things, got the Lion(ess) share of those cookies.The next day, wanting more cookies but
not more stores, I recalled the facebook pictures of shortbread and my own rarely used dog shaped cookie cutter. I summoned a recipe with the help of my genie, Google...Only 3 ingredients?! Why haven't I tried these sooner?Then, calling
on my special ability to complicate just about anything, even a 3 ingredient cookie recipe, I decided to tweak the recipe slightly by browning half of the butter. 

(Always brown the butter when you can.) 
This meant extra time waiting for the cooked butter to resolidify in the fridge and further wait time for the cold butter to soften... meanwhile life happened and happened and just kept happening... the butter was ready to get creamed long before I was free to return to the recipe...so to make an already long story not quite as long, I'll just get to the cookies now (before life happens again).

It was well after 1 AM the next morning when I pulled my first batch of shortbread from the oven...and well worth the time,too. A bonus was that half the batch of dough made plenty so we were able to save the other half of dough for Future Cookies (not to be confused with Fortune Cookies... but those are fun to make too...you should totally try it)

The best part of my chosen path, I'm not going to lie...is not having to go get stretchy pants- though I know I seem rather enthused about that...the best part is "Thanks mom, for making cookies" and also, "Could you please stop making cookies, so I'll stop eating cookies?"
Truly great because that means they are edible (enough)...exactly as a cookie should be.

And yes, I did just use a long and rambling entry to admit and justify that I chose cookies over exercise.

 I'll probably do it again tomorrow...what can I say?

Life is delicious, grab a spoon! 

...on Gratitude

Lucky Girl... perhaps.
You are lucky; how so or not so?

Mother's Day 2014

Apple Red Happiness


Our childhood was a musical

Accompanied by you

Kids Under Construction

He's Still Working On Me

Someday I'll Be Strong Enough

I am a Possability!

I see the moon

The moon sees me

In  bright sunshine and  friendly rain

For Jesus a sunbeam I'll be

...on Sleep Deprivation & Shortbread

Today was tough because_____.

It was a lengthy day...but at least there were cookies along the way.

...on Ocean Front Nachos

What was the last restaurant you went to?

I used to love the Wild Turkey Melt (turkey, cheddar &cream cheese, banana peppers) @Sandy Bottoms but alas, it migrated with its chef to another local restaurant... Since then, I haven't found a dish on which to regularly hang my hat (unless you count Key Lime pie...I can always feel at home with pie) but the Caribbean Nachos are definitely now a contender (tri-colored corn chips, mojo pork,  cheese black bean mango salsa, jalapenos, red& green onion,lava sauce) . 

The kids' White Pizza was also tasty and proved itself a kitchen creation, not a deep-freezer menu fix.

 It was a nice Sunday lunch on a beautiful, sunny day.


...on Tardiness

The Best Part of Today?

The church bit didn't work out this morning because...lateness.
After we gave up trying to win "CLUE: The Late To Church Edition"  --you know, that impossible mystery game where you try to pin down exactly who used up the last five minutes before "LATE" and how:
"It was mom, in the kitchen, with a coffee cup"
"No, it was little brother, in front of the mirror, with a cowlick"
the day turned enjoyable and, as a bonus, the promised rain held off until sunset.
Sometimes plans change. I find that the sooner I adjust my landing gear accordingly, the smoother the day glides past...or in shorthand: I have to remember to just roll with it.
So, I shelved my Clue theories (even though they WERE the most accurate) and shed my shoes.
A walk on the beach together as one big motley crew and greeting passers-by with a smile and a wave served up our dose of Sunday community... a white pizza at Sandy Bottom's was the closest we came to breaking bread...car windows dropped to invite the breeze as we circled our little town with appreciation... Maybe not ideal, but real...it's own sort of sabbath for our souls.

Ramble Hat

Nothing beats a fresh journal...all those empty pages and endless possibilities.

Eventually they'll merge -the old and the new-  they always do.

 Until then:


...on Books

Reading-one of my favorite places to be.
What Are You Reading Right Now?

...on Change

Can People Change?

People change and they do not. Plan accordingly.

...on Kindness and more

What Is Your Mission?

My mission...whether I choose to accept it (or even if I don't) is: Love Others. Also...all the good stuff? Choose That. And...Happy Thoughts...

...on Hope

My friend gave me a journal. It has approximately 52 blank entry pages sandwiched between quotes and prompts. I intend to make a weekly entry and I also know better than to hold my breath...
She gave me another journal that has 365 prompts. Anyone want to bet which one gets neglected first? Neglected most? 

Ah well, fun-the-less, let's set this mess in motion!

Happy 2015