...on the Last Minute

It was so very cold,  but worth it,  to stand on a bench at the marina [I'm short],  seeing the day off into the horizon and watching as it reached its full potential; making history.

The biting cold reminded every square inch of my short frame that I am an alive and limited creature, invited to partake in the awe of living on Earth,  but not to overstay my welcome. 

The blazing sun made me long for the warmth of days to come, made me instantly grateful for any and all of those that will include me...and even those that will not.

Colors spreading,  pelicans coasting, all is well despite all that is not...if only for the moment.

This moment.

Leave it to me to wait until the last minute to have made the most of my day.

And I think "I should do this every day ".

But,  I know that I won't... still, I leave this here a reminder that I should.

I really should.