superb owls

Superb Owls: A Tale of Talking Twice 

My friend suggested a work around for certain commercial terms that one must not utter in early winter. Instead of talking about an oversized bowl filled with football players, we talk about superb owls who don’t get fined by the NFL.

It was on Superb Owl Sunday this February past that I said what I had felt convicted say.

It was the culmination of a long weekend spent learning to let go.

I had *locked my hopes for a different future securely to posts from our past. The bands inscribed “Beloved” formed silver linings along these clouds of broken promise.

I cried and prayed a little, sitting in one of the old wooden swings. I'd held my firstborn there. I reflected on all my years that light had seen.

Then I hurled the contents of my stomach onto the cold, damp sand. I think I had the flu.


I rehearsed what I might say all along the two-hour way. I wanted to build an olive bridge.

We made the exchange as decreed by law and then I spoke my part.

“I’m still yours” he replied  “and legally, we are bound”

There was an acknowledgement that I’d been replaced and that the proverbial cart was now somewhat before the horse.

The next few days were...interesting.

In my hesitancy, **more harm (to me)  was inflicted.


In winter time, say one thing, mean another- whether it is owls or bowls you prefer.

Whichever  works out is the one you meant.

Who can charge you for saying it slanted?

Not the NFL

*The lock & bands have since been removed, treasure hunting is futile

** He rescinded his heart and charged me with contempt for moving back towards him too slow