Cake For Breakfast

The idea was to allow them to honor their dad, despite our lack of money.
 I encouraged it and even offered to help. 

He said he couldn't accept the gift from his children because his new wife may feel disrespected.

Perhaps he is living his best life now, but I admit my lack of envy. 

In the morning, I found two forks and the tribute diminished. 
They'd had cake for breakfast and assured me the disrespect he'd shown them was perfectly delicious. 


Like Scrooge on Christmas Day

I've wept with ghosts of Christmases past. But, oh! We've laughed as we reminisced, too. 

I've soaked up the joy of this Christmas present: having my children present. 

I've been haunted by the darkened rooms of Christmases  yet to come. 

But this little light, born unto us, is mine - and yours as well. 

Darkness can't put it out. 
In fact, the dark helps us to find it. 


As we watched old family videos, through laughter and gentle tears, I realized that almost everything I've ever photographed or recorded has really just been me, telling a story about how grateful I am for this life. 

Back when I put this video together, I wanted my children to know they are deeply loved - by me and their Creator. That they would learn how to multiply that love and spend it lavishly on others, like Scrooge on Christmas Day. 

That desire has only deepened with time. 

Further up, further in and farther along...

Merry Christmas from me and the Fantastic BrewCrew 4! 

better (together)

My brother and I used to play a more extreme version of Floor Is Lava called 'I Can Do Something More Dangerouser Than You Can' (we have both increased orgrammar skills dramatically since the game's creation)

In our version, not only was the floor lava, but the furniture was  akin to an Indiana Jones scene, requiring great leaps,  twists and tumbles. Hazards were everywhere. 

After one of us cleared various obstacles, the observing sibling declared ' I can do something more dangerouser than you!' followed by a declaration of what new stunt we would be tracking onto the routine. (I will flip from the ottoman to the sofa like you did AND jump onto the chair!) 
The game continued like that until we got caught standing on the furniture and had to think up something new to play. 

 Years later, I heard the little song "Anything You Can Do I can Do Better" and I realized it was the same concept of our childhood game. 

Last year, I turned 40 
This year, true to form, little brother is doing it better. 

He always wins this game. 

14 months apart (our poor mom) I can't remember a time before he became my built-in playmate.  

I hope (and often pray) that he will always, always be around to show me how to do things better. 

author, author

My second book released today on Amazon: 

50 Things To Know About Teaching STEAM: 

The publisher ended up modifying the cover to fit the overall series theme, so if you see two different covers, that's why. Same content inside - and that's what really counts, right? 

Please don't feel compelled to buy this book if we know each other. My goal is to add to my long dormant resume and build a portfolio to share my writing style.

Pecans In Pie

In case you're wondering, 160ish pecans collected in a park from one's distant memories equals roughly 2cups of shelled pecans after taxes, duds. and the quality control efforts of a junior chef supervising the making of pie. pie.

Another helpful tip you may want to tuck away for future reference: in a pinch, kitchen tongs can double as a nutcracker. 
Things I've taken for granted: 
every pecan in every pie, ever
proper kitchen tools
#TakenForGranted #ThinksGiving #Thankful

A Walk In The Park

Had I not found the old park, it may have been possible to convince me I'd dreamed it. Just beyond the canal, I found the sturdy wood-beam and rubber-tire playground equipment situated  below the factory road in an area known to locals as 'The Valley', right where my memory said it ought to be.

Being a Valley Girl in these parts is not synonymous with wealth or privilege- in fact, it tends toward the opposite pole. The pleasures there are simple and more affordable to come by.

As a young mom, I went a stretch of time without a car, so when I finally had a way to get around, going to the playground was one of my simple pleasures. This particular park was an especial luxury- its peaceful setting at least five miles from our Valley house- much further than I could push strollers and haul babies.

As Rye explored the park broken in for her so many years ago by her siblings, I walked the track that circles the park.

On the foot path in front of me sat a lone pecan. I cracked it open and enjoyed a microscopic harvest, labor-free.

I spotted a few more and put them in my hoodie pockets. Once my pockets were full, I emptied them into a bag from my car. I had nearly 80 not counting the few I ate as I walked.

Rye tested one. She couldn't remember ever having a pecan. She liked it. I told her we could make a teeny-tiny pie with what was gathered. Fans of pie, we decided to gather more. We came home with a little over 160 pecans. 

I'm thankful for pecans and walks in the park, for tire swings and teeny-tiny pie tins.

Things I've taken for granted: transportation

tree identification

unanticipated treats finding me

#TakenForGranted #ThinksGiving #Thankful


Whew! Finding the FiveStar with only fumes in the tank. 
Things I've taken for granted: gas stations everywhere
GPS navigation
#TakenForGranted #ThinksGiving #Thankful


Ah, the simple joy of freely drinking.
Things I've taken for granted: water fountains
#TakenForGranted #ThinksGiving #Thankful






“Reader, you must know that an interesting fate (sometimes involving rats, sometimes not) awaits almost everyone, mouse or man, who does not conform.” 
― Kate DiCamillo, Despereaux

 'It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.' P. G. Wodehouse

On Tuesday, I will apologize. 
To the sort of people who demand apologies and invite the press. 
I will apologize for being too Public School for their Christian School sensibilities.
And I will do it because... I've learned to walk away. 

I will say the words they want to hear - cry "Uncle!"  to bring them cheer.
As they smile with smug delight, I'm walking away and I'll be alright. 

"Look what we made you do! We finally got the best of you. " 

Truth is, they already had the best of me, but I ? 
I was chunking pearls at swine. 
** Special thanks to the mid-90's-Newsboys for imprinting this secret recipe for strength and dignity into the wet cement of my soul: "...He left His rights... will you leave yours? You won't understand it, let it go." **
'#doubleChristmas Pearls' 

'Trampled pearls' 

No worries... students will receive Mercy (and more) as STEAM becomes Storytime 

Veteran's Day Weekend

While the term veteran is used almost exclusively for military personnel, it also attributes the meaning of experience and serving for a long time.  We will observe Veteran's Day this week. 

I have recently been working on various writing projects and in response to having this blog over-cautiously blocked on social media during the recent presidential election season ( I didn't post anything political, revenue based or fake- it was bizarre) I started publishing my bloggety-thoughts in a new 'journal' 

I may come back to this blog some time later, if only to create a main directory of where to find me on various platforms, and I will leave my posts in tact as an archive, and to link back to as my writing leads,  but it seems fitting for fresh chapters to be written on blank pages. 

So, without further adieu (and though I still have some formatting to do)... I invite you to join me on 

The Decade Challenge: December 2010 -

 I'm writing (and posting this) in November. And to let you in on a little secret, some of these posts have been sitting as drafts for months. 

What started out as a fun way to prompt posts turned into an in-depth and sometimes heart-wrenching journey into the lands of Before. 

I've cried. I don't do that a lot and I admit it even less... but I am human and will not rust... it is best to tell other humans about occasional leakage so they do not feel defective should they leak, too.

I've wanted to vomit - the after-taste of Supposed To Be overpowering me,  until with a deep breath I remember and admit that even these sweet memories hid pits onlookers cannot see.

Oh, but I have smiled a whole lot, too. Thankful - so thankful-  for all -every last drop- of it.

Life is busy and there are still new ropes I'm learning to climb. I've been writing new chapters and keeping my thoughts in a fresh new journal of a blog, too. So, here's to December and a decade gone by. 

My,  how the time did fly ... 


Brew Crew Virtual Christmas Card  2010   
(some Flash elements have stopped working)
from the page: 

It's that time of year again...

 ...time for warm wishes , fond memories & sharing the joy in our 

lives with those we care about. Time for Merry Christmas, 

Happy New Year & stopping to tell folks we 

LOVE & hold them dear- 

(not only this holiday season but all throughout the year!) 

which brings us to...


from our family to you & yours- 

may your days be Merry & Bright & may you know the 

PEACE that only comes from God's gift to us in Christ. 

The Decade Challenge: November 2010 - Little Boy Blue & Baby Bird

 On November 1, my little boy bluegrass, Fisher,  turned eight.     


On November 2, baby bird Riley Wren was born. 

That was another time entirely. 
Pretty soon, the technology that fuels her birth announcement will fade with the memories they share... until then, you can view it here: 

..our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These small hours still remain
All of my regret
Will wash away some how
But I cannot forget
The way I feel right now...


(from the page) 
It is no secret to many of you that for the past few years our family has been 'Under Construction'. We have been blessed to watch God repair and heal what we broke. Many of you watched as we climbed the mountain to WinShape Retreat, beginning our best adventure yet. Some of you know it was truly just the beginning of a long journey and have watched as we fought through the mending that must be done. We know that the journey never ends and thank God for His faithfulness to finish the good work He started in us. It is His hand that guides and upholds us and from His hand we have receieved undeserved blessings, too many to count. 

Riley Wren  is one of those many blessings. 

With her arrival comes the celebration of stepping from dark valleys into sunshine, the victory of reaching deep into scarred places and withdrawing handfuls of forgiveness, mercy and love.  It is with great joy that we welcome this Little Bird into our nest. Our hearts spilling over with gratitude, we thank God for the grace He has poured over our lives.  


I keep calling it my 'writing project' 

But, technically it's a book. 

A book I wrote. 

And it feels good to be on this side of a finished project. 

But it feels too-big-for-my-britches to say I wrote a book. 

I have an author page now,  too. 

And it's neat but it sounds like I think it's something special when it's really something anyone can do. 

I won't be making money from book sales but the opportunity to add new experience and expand my resume has been invaluable. 

I have been staring at the blank pages in my new chapter for some time, and while I don't know everything the story will hold, I have started to write the adventure myself. 

Check out my author's page on Amazon... I think I need more books on my shelf ;) 


 I keep calling it my 'writing project' 

But, technically it's a book. 

A book I wrote. 

And it feels good to be on this side of a finished project. 

But it feels too-big-for-my-britches to say I wrote a book. 

I have an author page now,  too. 

And it's neat but it sounds like I think it's something special when it's really something anyone can do. 

I won't be making money from book sales but the opportunity to add new experience and expand my resume has been invaluable. 

I have been staring at the blank pages in my new chapter for some time, and while I don't know everything the story will hold, I have started to write the adventure myself. 

Check out my author's page on Amazon... I think I need more books on my shelf ;) 

Amazon Affiliate Links

 These are amazon affiliate links to Eat Like A Local: Georgia 

I don't make a whole lot off of them but I'm saving them here in case I need them sometime. 

The Decade Challenge: October 2010 - Opalescent

 There are no photo records from October 2010. It definitely happened and so did I. 

I would have had a birthday that month- as I do every October. 

I am thankful for every moment I've been given - every single one. 

Here is an old picture of me, doing what I do best. :) 






The Decade Challenge: September 2010 - Capital, Dear Boy!

In September ten years ago, Chandler turned eleven. We celebrated at the Outback in Downtown Savannah. 

Anytime I'm tempted to believe the accusations that I didn't try hard enough to make us all a family- I think about this season of resurrection- where they had been dead to us and suddenly we were re-building bridges of communication, inviting them to celebrations.  

But it isn't something I linger on any longer. 

The cakes weren't always works of art. 
Sometimes, they weren't even as tasty as a homemade cake should be (see:Dora The Explorer Cake, Year 2 for Logan - made in our microwave because the oven was broke) 

But they were always my way of saying "I hope your wishes come true." 

Glory Days

The question was:

 'What does this song mean to you ?

Well sir, if you want to know the truth... 

'...on a good day, it's amen. On others, I think maybe I've got myself fooled in one more of my oh-so-clever ways... 

When disorder spills over into (what is supposed to be) my reordering season,  I have to admit, I have the capacity to doubt every last thing. 
Sometimes I sober up and realize I'm being silly (again) - there is so much to be grateful for. 
Other times, I smash the bottle against the wall and snarl 'who. do. you. think. you. are?'
It is then I beg Him to draw near...and wait. 
Sometimes I wait and wait and wait. It is the only shred of faith I own; to stay here, alive and waiting.'

~ * ~

The Decade Challenge: August 2010 - Wherever We Go


In August, I began to design some announcements and a website or two for when Riley would be born. Most of my inspiration came from the verses we were given at WinShape and the idea that we were forever hemmed in. Sometimes the memories can be heavy or pinch in all the ways we meant well but went wrong.
Tucked somewhere deep in our pockets, we all carry the crumpled drafts of who we used to be, who we intended to be, and who we thought we were. 

Write your plans in pencil.
Don't throw the rough draft years  away. 
Who we are today is who we've spent our lives becoming

Bittersweet to re-visit these pages? Well, sure. 
But, I still sang along to the songs. 


The Decade Challenge: July 2010 - Freedom & Boot Camp

In July 2010 , we celebrated Independence Day on Harbor Island and the kids attended Baby Bootie Camp to get ready for new baby sister Riley. 


At Bootie Camp, we learned to hold babies, give bottles and change diapers. There were fun foods and lots of shower games, too - like Baby Food Roulette, Baby Sculpting and Bottle Races to list a few. These pictures brought a smile to my face, it is one of my favorite memories. I am grateful for my children and for the times we got to share.