The Decade Challenge: December 2010 -

 I'm writing (and posting this) in November. And to let you in on a little secret, some of these posts have been sitting as drafts for months. 

What started out as a fun way to prompt posts turned into an in-depth and sometimes heart-wrenching journey into the lands of Before. 

I've cried. I don't do that a lot and I admit it even less... but I am human and will not rust... it is best to tell other humans about occasional leakage so they do not feel defective should they leak, too.

I've wanted to vomit - the after-taste of Supposed To Be overpowering me,  until with a deep breath I remember and admit that even these sweet memories hid pits onlookers cannot see.

Oh, but I have smiled a whole lot, too. Thankful - so thankful-  for all -every last drop- of it.

Life is busy and there are still new ropes I'm learning to climb. I've been writing new chapters and keeping my thoughts in a fresh new journal of a blog, too. So, here's to December and a decade gone by. 

My,  how the time did fly ... 


Brew Crew Virtual Christmas Card  2010   
(some Flash elements have stopped working)
from the page: 

It's that time of year again...

 ...time for warm wishes , fond memories & sharing the joy in our 

lives with those we care about. Time for Merry Christmas, 

Happy New Year & stopping to tell folks we 

LOVE & hold them dear- 

(not only this holiday season but all throughout the year!) 

which brings us to...


from our family to you & yours- 

may your days be Merry & Bright & may you know the 

PEACE that only comes from God's gift to us in Christ. 
