At the Midnight Hour: Flash Fiction '22

I entered NYCMidnight's Flash Fiction contest again this year. 

At this point, it's more of a tradition than attempt to win, which is a good thing considering I came in 14th out of 15 top entries. (not too far to fall completely off the chart) 

I was assigned to Group 71: Political Satire
We were assigned a smoke filled room for our setting and an umbrella for our prop.
It took me until the 11th hour to find an idea I even wanted to build on (story of my actual non-fiction life, too)

With our current political climate so rife with strife, I couldn't find anything that felt neutral or safe to skewer a little. 

I ran with the idea of personifying 'Just A. Bill' (you know, the one who lives on Capitol Hill) 

Back in June, one Sunday after church,  I  started writing around 3 PM  and finished the same evening just ahead of the midnight deadline by a smidge. With some time lost, no doubt, to bathroom breaks, coffee refills, the closing of Panera and my relocation to Blanchard Park (thank you for the WiFi, Columbia County- that's a nice park feature you provide) 
While I was running the marathon, I questioned my sanity for choosing to do this to myself when it was a perfectly good Sunday for napping, but now, as is often the case, I'm grateful for being challenged and for the cathartic afterglow now that it has ended. 

It is almost midnight. 
Round 2's prompt should be here any minute now. 
Here we go... again. 

You can read my story 'Just Bill'  here

You can read the judges' feedback and direction for better writing below ( all very sound advice,  helpful insights and much appreciated) :

••••• Just Bill'' by Kelly Brewer -     WHAT THE JUDGES LIKED ABOUT YOUR STORY - {1953}  The concept of (literal!) aromatic truth bombs is intriguing, and Ol' Bill is a compellingly drawn character: an apt blend of down-to-earth relatable qualities and cartoonish performativity.   {2035}  I really liked the idea of these smoke sessions being so vulnerable. My favorite part was probably the Pages complaining about it with one another; the lines about New Mexico were just specific enough to give us a taste of what it was like behind closed doors.  {2045}  The truth inducing smoke is a clever idea which allows for strong motivation of the actions throughout the story. Bill is intriguing and his demeanor is a nice juxtaposition with the power and influence he holds.   

WHAT THE JUDGES FEEL NEEDS WORK - {1953}  Why is Ol' Bill revealing these secrets to such a low-level journalist? I think he needs to articulate some of his motives and/or reasoning around this.

I was also intrigued by the Weather Underground connection, but I wasn't quite sure how Bill's

aromatic therapy connected with this legacy. Does he see his smokey deceptions as a kind of peaceful, nonviolent alternative to the actions of the weathermen? It would be helpful if Bill could articulate this reasoning a bit more clearly.   {2035}  To me, William Scrivner's role and authority in this space didn't quite feel clear. I think that playing around with why he's the person that managed to pull this all off would help readers see his role in the greater framework of the peace he brokered while showing readers why he was so willing to share his secrets with a journalist.  {2045}  Seeing the world through the reporter's eyes gives us a fresh perspective and opportunity to learn as they learn, however, it is unclear why this particular reporter has been summoned and wha the purpose of the interview is. Likewise, what is Bill's ultimate goal and how was he able to gain the power necessary to enact this truth plan? ••••
