God Hates Divorce, Not Divorced People

shell strewn beach

What God Hates  

God hates divorce, not divorced people.  God loves people.

Let's pause right here because that is the entirety of what I have to say, but my word count is supposed to be a bit higher. As words multiply, truth grows muffled. So please, if I may, I’d just like to remind you today: 

God hates divorce, not divorced people. God loves people.

Statements like this tend to provoke argumentative replies from certain camps. 

To follow  “God hates  -name any sin- . ”   with a declaration of His love provokes a panic as if we’ve just turkey-dropped permission slips with God’s forged signature to all humanity. 

Scenarios of affairs and abandoned families spring to the virile imaginations of many a worried mind. There’s real concern we’re gonna make God mad. 

Imaginary scenarios are… imaginary.  If someone is looking for validation to do or be a thing, that thing is, in all reality, already an inevitability.

Sought affirmation will be found in fortune cookie or flip of  coin if a mind is so inclined. 

Shake an 8 Ball enough times and you’ll get the answer you want.

 If a person is looking for loopholes, somewhere deep down, they’ve already decided.

Maybe for good reasons like safety, but indeed, perhaps they are just being selfish. 

Here we make the imaginative folks a little nervous again:  God loves self-justifying,  pleasure seeking people; even you and me. 

He doesn’t justify all choices but He does love all people.

Even your ex. 

Sometimes, that love looks like a natural consequence to our self-gratifying choices; confines that grow and refine us.

At other times, His love is the strength to endure hardships created by selfishness - whether other people’ s or our own.  

So, for the record, this is not a permission slip. It’s a love letter.

One more time now, because it is true: 

God hates divorce, not divorced people. God loves people.

God Is Not Mad At You 

God is not mad at divorced people when they cry “Uncle!” and throw in the towel.

Think about the attributes of an eternal, all knowing God. He saw it coming. 

 In most divorces, the dam breach was already leaking long before vows were exchanged.

Infinite wisdom understood the inevitability of a break long before you did. He saw the debris strewn beach of your aftermath life - and hated it, but He doesn't hate you. 

We often project our bad experiences with authority on to God.

Growing up with a harsh and abusive parent or teacher may lead us to expect cosmic retribution when things don’t go according to plan in our adult lives. We feel God is angry with us for falling short, but we are told He knew we would … and loved us anyway.  (via John

God’s anger is directed at the destruction, not you. 

God Loves You 

When life is splintered by storm gales, it is easy to wonder how love would allow us to endure such pain.  Wouldn’t love have stopped this in its tracks? 

A love that doesn’t allow us to choose, isn’t love. It’s imprisonment. 

A good test whenever love is in question: " Am I free to choose ? " 

Love warns us the fruit is toxic but we take a bite anyway; it’s in our DNA. 

Love is a doppler radar, forecasting the coming days. 

Love issues warnings and ways to stay safe.

Love helps evacuate. 

Love won’t say ‘I told you so’ to those who didn’t listen. 

Love holds a torch guiding us to shore and walks beside us in the wreckage, salvaging remnants from what love wasn’t. 

Love holds the nails and hands us the hammer as we begin to rebuild. 

Love never fails

Even when marriages do.  

One last time for good measure now:

God hates divorce, not divorced people.
God loves people.

… and that’s a good thing.
