Aunt Nell Turns 90

We gathered in a south Georgia pecan grove to celebrate 90 years of Aunt Nell. 

Some of us walked out back doors conveniently located on the "family land" while others drove several hours south to celebrate Nell's latest circle 'round the sun... by sitting in the sun. :) 
That's the deep south way. There were also some pockets of A/C  ~ which we were all doubly grateful for. 

Born in 1934, Aunt Nell is older than World War 2. She missed Bonnie and Clyde by a month and a half but got to be here for the Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020. Life is funny. 

Aunt Nell has nurtured a nest full of children, her own and many others besides. 

My mom and her siblings, Nell's nieces and nephews, looked forward to summers of respite from their own home,  where peace was hard won. 

I've only had one argument with Aunt Nell in my whole life - and that was over who could pay the dinner bill. It was her birthday but she was adamant I let her have the check. 

Aunt Nell has only ever lost one argument with me in her whole life, and it may be the only argument she's ever lost at all, far as I can tell.  But she didn't hold a grudge and even let me pick up an ice cream cake on our way home (Orange Sherbet & Vanilla cake ~ long live!) 

Nell's door has always swung wide open on the hinges of welcome. Having experienced her tooth-and-nail hospitality, and knowing what a difference it has made in my life and more-so, in the life of my young mom, I was moved to learn this weekend that Aunt Nell no longer lives in her home that has welcomed so many.  The chapter closed so quickly, there was no time for good-byes. 

Refusing to be an inconvenience, she has vacated her home and now lives on rotation with her grown children until her 'she-shed' is completed in the backyard of one of the plots of family land.  I didn't get a chance to check out the little shed house, but I hear it will have water and electricity - the works! 

Lord knows, (that is, the actual good Lord, Himself) knows that she deserves the very best care in this season of life where the many souls she has invested in now have the honor of investing back into her latter days. 

Aunt Nell has long been a dedicated member of the Mormon church. In fact, there were missionaries being recognized and a large church turn out for her special day.  

Though I was raised in a different tradition, I know Aunt Nell and me have Jesus in common. 

And I found this quote by her guy Joe that seemed pretty fitting for the Nell I know. 

So, I will leave off the yammering (Rye says I'm the Mayor of Yapperville, the Consulate of Yapper Island) and get to the rest of the pictures by way of two quotes, in honor of Nell's new year on this, her 90th Birthday: 
“If they will not accept our doctrine then let them accept our hospitality.” ~ J.Smith
Nell's kindness and open-door hospitality is the evidence of what she believed to be true.
Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ~Jesus (source) (source)
Lucky for Aunt Nell, she is both mother and neighbor to those who will pick up her mantle of hospitality and care for her with love and honor. 

Redneck Swimmin' Hole: 

... But if any widow have children or nephews 
let them learn first to shew piety at home 
and to requite their parents: 
for that is good and acceptable before God... 1 Timothy5  [source]
