Fall Festivals

Over the weekend we went to two Fall Festivals in the area. The first one was on Saturday, after our neighborhood costume party. It was held at Honey Horn on HHI and was mostly an assortment of inflatabled for the kids. In the pictures you will see Potty PuttPutt... or whatever clever name they came up with... I was impressed by the creativity of this game and love the expression of the man after Clay didn't make it on his first try.
The second festival was held by our church on Sunday evening at Huspah Platation. It was more in the line of an old fashioned Fall Fest with hayrides, bonfires and game booths for the kids. It was absolutely beautiful on the plantation with these old trees whose limbs sprawl along the ground. There were free roaming cattle too. We discovered this on our hayride, when a herd or two decided to follow the "hay trail".
There's one last picture in this group that doesn't fit the descriptions here, and that is because it was taken in Charleston, where we drove- very spontaneously I might add- to eat dinner after the festival. We were outside of California Dreaming on the water and this picture was the last before my camera battery surrendered to slumber: