SC State Fair & Concert

We recently attended the SC State Fair and a Jeremy Camp/Toby Mac concert held inside. During the night of the concert, it rained constantly and there was no humor left over for rides, candy apples or cotton candy. But the music was good and the concert a lot of fun despite the downpour. The next day, Clay and Chandler headed to a Carolina football game and because the cost for five tickets to the game far outweighed three tickets to the fair, I opted... volunteered.... begged... to go to the fair with the younger two kids instead :)  We had a lot of fun and blew throughh 50 tickets in rides with ease! Strangely, as I get older, I find I actually WANT to see all the exhibited art, food and contest entries. This doesn't carry over to my children... they were interested but didn't find it as fascinating as bumper cars. My favorite part of the fair has got to be, will always be, the food. Especially fried things.. namely cheese on a stick. This year I tried a deep fried Oreo too... it was like getting a doughnut with an oreo inside. Behold, footage (if you click on these pictures to go to the Flickr site, there is also a bumper cars video from Fisher driving me around):