Corn Nugget

The recipe seemed easy enough:

 Mix a can of corn and a can of creamed corn
Scoop into rounds and freeze
Dip frozen rounds in batter
Enjoy corn nuggets at home instead of in our default restaurant.

I thought it was SO simple, I could imporvise a little. I tossed in some red pepper flakes and shredded cheddar. I think the cheddar would be my recipe's undoing in the end. 

Dipping nuggets in batter. A thicker batter may have made a difference: 

Things started out well: 

Promising looking nuggets: 

A combination of thawing and cheese strands extending past the "batter barrier" led many nuggets to spread... our overall result was something like Scrambled Corn Nugget Fritters... 

Let's talk about deep fried foods and your arteries...