Of course there were the fried things I told you about earlier.
(way, way, way earlier at this point)
Then there were these other, mostly pre-packaged fried things that we haven't yet discussed.
Jalapeno Poppers and Cheese Filled Pretzel bites.
Appetizing...no? (NO)
Some 'DIY' corn pup nuggets:
Post Oven:
And also, Chili Cheese Oven Fries:
Not to mention some salsa & chips that accompanied us to the shore:
Current Favorite Salsa:
(CHIPS & DIP-the original moveable feast)
And then there were the mini Cherry YumYum pies.
The food with the story attached. (You knew there had to be one, right?)
The food with the story attached. (You knew there had to be one, right?)
You see, I always think about MeeMaw Brewer around Independence Day.
Cherry YumYum was one of her signature dishes and one of our last family gatherings with her was a July 4th.
Now, while Aundree was indeed a beloved family member, by the time I joined the family she was almost completely bats (no offense, MeeMaw... it's okay, we loved you still... Rest In Peace, now)
One of my favorite memories from that July 4th gathering is the memory of cake tossing in the kitchen ,as slightly fictionalized in this old short story contest entry. I re-read over it before linking in- and my bad writing form aside, I still laughed all the way through, because the only thing that didn't really happen in that story was MeeMaw thinking it was Thanksgiving.
... and that is why I make Cherry YumYum on the Fourth of July.

Cherry YumYum pies are terribly easy to make.
(One block of cream cheese, one container of cool whip, Cherry pie topping)
((Also tasty: substitute Nutella or Chocolate Peanut Butter or Lemon Curd or Pretty Much Anything for pie filling))