Mean Girls


Her cackle pierced the drone of usual student activity in the combination gym/chapel/lunchroom. 

The victim, unaware she had been selected as today's target, looked to see if everyone was alright. It was such a loud and sudden noise, she thought someone had been hurt. 

What she saw was laughter. Great big gobs of gossipy guffawing hee-haw.

And they were laughing at her. 

Unwilling to explain what was so funny, they only pointed out that her chair was in the wrong place. 

"I won't tell you what I WAS going to say" one of the mean girls jeered in-between guffaws.

Then, lifting her hand to create the shadowy working conditions necessary for vile lips to spew, she  whispered to her loyal and listening friend whatever it was she had not been going to say.  

They laughed the wrong-chair-sitter back to her classroom, embarrassed and dismayed. 

This story is true. 
The bullies portrayed are not little girls. 
But they are,  most definitely,  mean ones, working in a Christian school.

To those seeking light, 
I apologize. 
This is not what Jesus told us to do. 
Draw near.
To him, not them. 
He will not laugh at you. 

"...wisdom from above is pure, peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without pretense. It is sown in peace by those who cultivate peace.
James 3:17‭-‬18 (paraphrased) 
