New Mercy Mornings

Some days, we just survive. 

And we try to hide which days.

Make them all look alike.

" I'm fine, (Just fine. This is fine.) thank you, and how are you?" 

No one will know.  

And that's noble, right? It's what we're supposed to do: think on things lovely, good and true; count it all joy, my brethren, when life drops the other shoe. 

For me, I have noticed "struggle days" tend to follow highly productive, happy moments. 

Like shadow, stalking light. 

It is true that gratitude lifts our mood, but what do you do when the dark slinks in even in the midst of joy and celebration ? 


Like a sudden thunderstorm, let it pass. 

If you can dance in the rain or jump in puddles, go right on out and do that. 

But if it is dangerous and scary,  with flashes of lightning, stay put. 

It is ok to curl up and wait. It can be comforting to talk with a friend when the power goes out. 

One way I've learned to pray over the last few years is this: 

"You've already paid the price for the joy that is mine today. You've already purchased my peace. Help me take hold of what I need and share your surplus love." 

It helps me see in the dark. It helps me hold on. 

And friend, I'm striking this match to say, you are not alone.  

"This little light of mine... "
