Sweet Baby Jesus Tea

:: Five Minute Lines ::

Overheard today (paraphrased & generalized) :


Thank you Jesus that I am not like them... 

those poor souls trapped by cigarettes and wine. 

You didn't make me like them. 

I never developed a taste for the vile and addictive. 

I pretended to be like them for a few seconds, it was a joke. 

Everybody got it. 

Me - so much like You, Lord. The ground around me so holy.

Of course I wouldn't be like one of them, directly under Your looming steeple. 

That's what made it funny, see? 


Please, pass me the tea...

Unsweet?! Are you crazy? 

My doctor told me I needed to cut back.

I told him people would die if so. 

It's the one thing I just will not give up. 

I've given up so much already.

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus. 
