The Decade Challenge: December 2009

One of the things about raising a house-full of youngins when you're young and broke is that it encourages creativity. We made our own 'photo studio' when we.. I mean whenever I... wanted updated photos. 

They, for the most part, were pretty good sports about it... and you can see for yourselves just how photogenic they are. ;) 

...for the most part. ;)

 One of my favorite traditions at Christmastime was to take the Downtown Tour and end at the Gingerbread Exhibit across the river at The Westin. There was usually ice skating at the civic center, trolley rides, the candy kitchen and riding the ferry over. This particular Christmas Eve, we made it a family affair and had dinner in the hotel's restaurant overlooking the river.

An All Gingerbread Savannah ~ scrumptious ~

This was also the year that we were just going to focus on our little family- new traditions, no travel (except for Christmas Eve to Savannah) We would make a party of the occasion, go bowling and enjoy each other. That lasted all of about 6 hours before we were headed down to Amelia again. 

I love the brothers pose in this one. 

The Hampton Inn @ the Marina was a home away from home many times. It has a unique charm not found in many other locations.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tock.... 

Ah, Pompeo's ~ how I loved thee and miss thee so... 

I am still trying to recapture the zing in your salad dressing, and there's never a Cabonara or Marsala quite as good as yours. But the little individual ornaments hung from each chandelier, and Chef Mario's personal greeting- these are the things I miss the most. 

 The Brew Crew & Pete  circa 2009 

Though I see through a glass darkly...

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! " -1C1312MSG

Onward! Into the next decade we sail...
