The kids and I took to the pool yesterday after praying for sun. I was able to get some sun and school planning done after I chased the baby lizard from my lounge chair. The kids of course stayed in the water as much as possible. Chandler especially is all about Olympic swimming and learning new strokes lately... who isn't in awe of Phelps this week?
We ordered pizza ahead of time- to arrive at noon- I was especially impressed by my ability to think ahead in this situation :) I wished I would have ordered a larger one to share with the many people who landed up at the pool around lunch time, however...ever bring a small pizza to a pool surrounded by people? It's like you planned to be mean...the look they give you as you carry your food to the table, well... it's a good thing looks can't kill...Unfortunately we weren't finished with lunch long before the pool had to be evacuated because of a leaky (or lacking) swim diaper...
Here's the slide show: