People You May Know: Essays About My Suggested Friends’ List

When scrolling through social media, profile pictures of various people are often displayed under the heading "People You May Know" with the choice to add the suggested folks as “friends” (or not)

Sometimes, the suggestions stem from close personal proximity - whether mutually or there be stalking afoot.

Other times, there are several degrees of separation and the connection is less clear.

Either way, it can be like peering into an interesting - if not all that clear on the details - Magic 8 Ball.

There are ex-loves and ex-friends not to mention the exes of exes. There are dupes and duplicate accounts and dudes from Dubai.

Lately, I’ve been aiming to take more walks on the old writing treadmill.

It is unfortunate, because little of what I find to say is likely to be interesting… but once I’ve set a rule for myself, well, it simply must be followed… at least for a little while [winky smirk here, if “real writing” contained emojis.]

So, taking inspiration from my social media meals... I mean, feed…  I’ve made an outline of my suggested friends and will use it as fodder in the days to come. (probably)

I have set my goal for some kind of scribbling to surface at least once weekly, if not more.

Each entry should be minimum 250ish words and max out somewhere around 500.

If you are one of my writing buddies, feel free to scrawl along about your own interesting algorithms.

Up first: People You May Know: My Ex-Husband’s New Girl Friend (Girlfriend, perhaps)

~stay tuned…
