To Harmonize

“ … but it will never be >insert favorite author’s name here < caliber writing…” 

“ … I’ll never create as good as > insert favorite artist’s name here < “ 

“ … I love music, but it’s not like I’m ever going to be on stage with > insert favorite musician’s name here < “ 

Plug any brand of inadequate feelings into this model and you’ve got what The Artist’s Way refers to as our inner censor and core negative beliefs. . 

Even from the vantage point of acknowledging and sometimes even clearing this hurdle, I find the frame is pervasive in my own life; as with many creatives and our would be creations. 

If I can’t beat Picasso or Pavoratti, why bother? Why even try to write a story when Kate DiCamillo and Jan Karon already exist? Not to mention the Holy Bible, itself. We don’t need a devotional or Our Daily Bread crumbs when there are already Proverbs and Thessalonians. 



It is absolutely accurate to say “The world doesn’t need your work” and to embrace the reality of only ever being mediocre. 

But lately,  here’s what has been growing in the greenhouse of me: I’m invited to the symphony. 

I get to say “Yes and Amen” alongside my favorite voices, to try my hand at what I find inspiring. I get to walk along with fellow creatives, cracking pistachio shells on tiny bits of ‘life is worth the struggle’ 

I’m not trying to speak above anybody. I’m here to harmonize. 

If my reward is the spotlight or signing autographs - I may reach the end of this life unfulfilled.

Comparison really is a thief of contentment.  

But if I want to be responsible for graffitied joy? There’s plenty of wall for everyone. 

Why is it the most profound of my “Aha!’s”  are rarely anything new so much as tilting my head a bit and looking more intently on something I’ve known all along ? 

Maybe it is merely applying what we know. 

At the end of the day, I may not get the triangle solo, but life is a symphony and I get to play. 

(But we’re probably still near capacity for devotionals, thank you for your submission)

(360 words)
